Single shreds can leave a lot of room for sunlight, so it is not as useful for weed prevention. Weed Control: Triple shredded mulch is more effective at weed control than the other types of mulch because it locks together, preventing air and sunlight from reaching the weeds.As the shred becomes finer, the mulch locks itself together more closely and stays in place better. Double shredded mulch is about four to six inches, while triple shredded mulch is the most compact at one to three inches. Shred Type: If the mulch you choose is single shredded, you will find that it has very long strands and is quite coarse.Both dyed and un-dyed mulch lose color over time, but dyed can hold it for several months longer. Dyed mulch is also available to improve the aesthetic appeal of your landscape. This depends on the type of wood that is used to create the mulch.

Color: There are various colors of shredded mulch that you will find, ranging from very light to very dark browns.You can also use our mulch calculator to learn more about calculating how much shredded mulch you will need. At Kurtz Nursery, we can assist you in deciding on the quantity of shredded mulch you need if we know the dimensions of the garden. You will want to apply about 2 to 4 inches of mulch, on average. Coverage: It is important to measure the area that you plan to mulch and calculate how much mulch you need.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind when decided what shredded mulch you need for your landscape or garden: When buying shredded mulch, there are various qualities that need to be considered, based on the requirements you have. Factor to Consider When Buying Triple Ground Shredded Mulch