The known adaptational types in the Actiniaria are surveyed. The two Anthozoans represent a novel morphological adaptation type (Lebensform type) with their disc-shaped bodies presumably floating on the ooze-like surface of the deep sea sediment. According to the classical system of the Actiniaria (Carlgren) it seemed impossible for these taxa to be related. Segonzactis platypus may be considered a transitional form between endomyarian sea anemones with pedal disc and those without pedal disc. sp., stands out among the Condylanthidae Thenaria because of the Edwardsia- like configuration of its macrosepta. The second species described, Segonzactis platypus n. The first species, Nectactis singularis Gravier (1918), is redescribed and the three genera of the family Sideractiidae are discussed with particular reference to Sphincteractis Zamponi (1976). The material, deep sea Anthozoa collected by French research vessels in the Gulf of Biscay in 19 at three permanent stations, contained two delicate species with disc-like body shape, a Corallimorpharian and an Actiniarian.